Happy New Year! Tomorrow Tuesday, January 4 is our first day back to school. We will be having free COVID tests for students and staff from 11:30am to 2pm. If your child has any flu like symptoms please don’t send them to school. See you all tomorrow! Feliz Año Nuevo! Mañana martes 4 de Enero es el primer día de regreso a clases. Tendremos pruebas de COVID gratis de las 11:30am a las 2pm. Si su estudiante presenta algún síntoma parecido a gripe por favor no lo mande a la escuela. Nos vemos mañana!
over 2 years ago, Meadows Union Knights
Student of the month assembly and Christmas sing along happening now! Access link on school website and FB Estudiante del mes y cánticos de navidad están ahora! Acceso al programa por medio de la página de internet y FB
over 2 years ago, Meadows Union Knights
IMPORTANT! Bus transportation announcement for BLUE LINE. Bus will be cancelled Wednesday, December 1st - Friday, December 3rd. Bus transportation WILL be available today for BLUE LINE.
over 2 years ago, Meadows Knights
Bus Cancellation
Turkey Trot Live Stream! Tk-3rd @ 8:45am (One Lap) Link to join Webinar https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82726475475 4th-8th @ 9:30am (Two Laps) Link to join Webinar https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83755956991
over 2 years ago, Meadows Knights
Red Ribbon Week next week. MON-Hawaiian & Sunglasses, TUE- Twins in pink, WED-Disney dress up, THU-favorite jersey or team, FRI-Costume. Semana del Liston Rojo- Lunes Hawaiano, Martes-gemelos en rosa, Mierc-Disney, Jue-equipo favorito, Viernes-disfraz. https://www.meadowsunion.org/article/566744
over 2 years ago, School Counselor- Mrs. Piceno
Red Ribbon Week 2021
Parents if you are interested in having your child participate in Circle of Friends please complete registration form below. Padres, si le interesa que su estudiante participe en Círculo de Amigos favor de registrarse aqui: https://forms.gle/JSTF7iMcYsiXfUc66 We have limited space/ Hay cupo limitado. last day to register is 10/22/21. Ultimo dia para registrarse es 10/22/21.
over 2 years ago, School Counselor- Mrs. Piceno
October is Bullying Prevention Month. You can find information & resources at our school or visit: https://www.stompoutbullying.org or https://www.pacerkidsagainstbullying.org/. View video: https://youtu.be/2G_3qw1w_YE Octubre es el mes de prevención al acoso o bullying. Para mas información visite estas paginas o comuníquese a la escuela.
over 2 years ago, School Counselor- Mrs. Piceno
Bullying Prevention
Community Vision Setting Workshop. TODAY AT 5:30 @ Gym or Zoom Join us for an opportunity to gather together and share your voice and hopes in creating the future for our students. Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81552075359 Meeting ID: 815 5207 5359
over 2 years ago, School Counselor- Mrs. Piceno
TODAY-Community Workshop
Seminario web de prevención al Suicidio para Padres-23 de septiembre de 6-7pm. Proveído en colaboración con el el departamento estatal de California, el programa de Directing Change, Teen Line y CalMHSA, proporcionará información sobre prevención del suicidio para los padres que incluye: reconocer las señales de advertencia de suicidio, cómo tener una conversación con tu hijo sobre tus inquietudes, acciones para tomar si tu hijo tiene pensamientos suicidas, consejos y recursos para apoyar la salud mental y emocional. Para registrarse-https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VE4sju7zQH62bukZgakIaA
over 2 years ago, School Counselor- Mrs. Piceno
Prevención de suicidio
Suicide Prevention Webinar for Parents: The webinar will provide information about suicide prevention for parents, including warning signs for suicide, how to have a conversation with their child, actions to take if their child is having a suicidal thoughts, and resources. To register-https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JaxXH84MQvWoOf-laVMsBw
over 2 years ago, School Counselor- Mrs. Piceno
Suicide Prevention Webinar 9/21/21 from 6-7pm.
HIGHER EDUCATION-SPIRIT DAYS! Monday-tie dye, Tuesday-galaxy, Wednesday-western, Thursday-future career, Friday-future high school colors. SEMANA DE EDUCACION SUPERIOR! Vistete de diferentes temas: lunes-diferetes colores, martes-galaxia, miercoles-vaquer@s, jueves-futura profesion, viernes -con los colores de tu futura prepa.
over 2 years ago, School Counselor- Mrs. Piceno
HEW 2021
Coffe with our Counselors, this Friday morning, September 10th from 8:30-9:30am. Join us at our new counseling center and meet our new addition to counseling team. Our counselors will be talking about services they will provide to our students and families.
over 2 years ago, School Counselor- Mrs. Piceno
Cafe con consejeras- en persona
Coffee with Counselors- In person
LAST TWO DAYS for registration!! Students without complete registration packet will not be assigned to a classroom. ÚLTIMOS DOS DÍAS para inscripciones! Estudiantes sin paquete completo de inscripción no serán asignados a un salón de clase.
over 2 years ago, Meadows Union Knights
URGENT: if you haven’t turned in a complete registration packet, your student will NOT be assigned to a classroom at Meadows. Registration is NOW in cafeteria. Classes start August 19th, 2021 URGENTE: si no ha entregado un paquete completo de inscripción, su estudiante NO será asignado a un salón de clase de Meadows. Inscripciones HOY en la cafetería. Clases empiezan el 19 de Agosto, 2021.
over 2 years ago, Meadows Union Knights
8th grade parents- Upward bound program is recruiting 8th grade students for their Summer Academy and beyond. Upward Bound serves: students from low-income families in which neither parent holds a bachelor's degree.
almost 3 years ago, School Counselor- Mrs. Piceno
Summer Academy
Upward bound Prgm
El Programa de Aprendizaje de Verano de Meadows se ofrecerá a los estudiantes que actualmente se encuentran en los grados TK-7. Los estudiantes recibirán instrucción académica y aprendizaje socioemocional. Comenzará del 21 de junioal 16 de julio de 8 am a 11:50 am. Si su hijo asistirá, debe completar el formulario de permiso a continuación. Haga clic en el enlace y complete un formulario de permiso (uno por niño) antes del viernes 28 de mayo. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf1vb8NQh5Gvy1woGp9vuoUS41wJ8yTmQDQtaaMTLK2Zm0dnw/viewform
almost 3 years ago, School Counselor- Mrs. Piceno
Programa de verano
Summer Learning Program will be offered to students who are currently in TK-7th grade. Students will be receiving academic instruction as well as social emotional learning. It will begin June 21st-July 16th from 8 am-11:50 am. If your child will be attending you must complete permission slip below. Please click link and complete a Permission slip (one per child) by Friday, May 28th. Click Link: Summer Learning Program Permission Slip https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf1vb8NQh5Gvy1woGp9vuoUS41wJ8yTmQDQtaaMTLK2Zm0dnw/viewform
almost 3 years ago, School Counselor- Mrs. Piceno
Summer learning program
Read Across America 2021- March 1st-5th Monday-wear green Tuesday-wear yellow Wednesday- wear BLUE Thursday-wear a hat Friday-wear your Pj
about 3 years ago, School Counselor- Mrs. Piceno
Read Across America 2021-
Honors Recognition Assembly pictures will be posted soon!
about 3 years ago, Meadows Knights
Book returns and pick up today from 7:00-10:00am. 📚
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Carmona - Librarian