This is a reminder that recording video on school grounds when no special events or activities are happening violates student privacy under California Education Code 78907. It is important to respect the privacy and safety of all students. Thank you helping us maintain a safe and respectful environment for everyone.
Este es un recordatorio de que grabar vídeo en el campus de la escuela cuando no hay eventos o actividades especiales es invasión a la privacidad de los estudiantes de acuerdo al Código de Educación de California 78907. Es importante respetar la privacidad y seguridad de todos los estudiantes. Gracias por ayudarnos a mantener un ambiente seguro y respetuoso para todos.

We are officially a Discovery Chapter for FFA at Meadows. If you have any FFA jackets you'd like to donate, please send to our front office.

Parents, please go over the expectations for proper behavior in restrooms. We need help in keeping our restrooms clean! Our Meadows expectations are attached.

Parents are welcome to come and help on the Garden.
Padres, pueden venir a ayudarnos con el jardín este sábado.

BUS TRANSPORTATION PARENTS: friendly reminder that any changes to student transportation must be done BEFORE 11am in order for change to be honored.
PADRES DE ESTUDIANTES QUE USAN AUTOBÚS: recordatorio de que cualquier cambio en el transporte de su estudiante tiene que ser ANTES de las 11am para que el cambio ocurra.

If you would like your children to attend the ASES/ELOP program, please make sure to register them by August 13. Unfortunately, if they are not registered by this date, they will not be able to participate in the program during the first week of school. Any question please call Mr. Saldivar.
Si desea que sus hijos asistan al programa ASES/ELOP, asegúrese de inscribirlos antes del 13 de agosto. Desafortunadamente, si no están registrados para esta fecha, no podrán participar en el programa durante la primera semana de clases. Cualquier pregunta por favor llame al Sr. Saldivar.

Join us TODAY 4/18/24, for a parent presentation from Imperial County Health Department at 5:30pm in our Board Room. See you there!!!
Acompáñenos a una presentación del Departamento de Salud del Valle Imperial. HOY a las 5:30pm en la escuela, salon de la mesa directiva. Nos Vemos!!!

Can't make it to the Christmas Program at 10am? Watch live from our Facebook Page! https://www.facebook.com/meadowsunionschool

REMINDER: Health Fair is tomorrow Thursday October 12, from 1-3pm. If you're planning to attend and would like your student to join, please make sure to sign them out in front office.
RECORDATORIO: Feria Familiar es mañana Jueves 12 de Octubre de 1-3pm. Si tiene planeado asistir y quiere que su estudiante le acompañe, favor de pasar a la oficina para registrar su salida.

Thursday, September 14, 2023
from 8:30-9:30am
Cafe con las Consejeras
jueves 14 de septiembre, 2023
de 8:30-9:30am

We hope everyone has an AWESOME first day back to school!!

Zoom Meeting TODAY at 5:30pm. Junta hoy a las 5:30pm
Meeting ID: 312 860 2175
Passcode: MEADOWS

Parents- the last day of ASES/ELOP is Tuesday, June 6th
Padres- el ultimo dia de ASES/ELOP es el martes 6 de junio.

We have Extended Learning Academy this Saturday, May 20th from 7:30-4:30pm. Great opportunity to clear absences. This Saturday we will have hotdogs, a gaming trailer and drones for the afternoon. MUST register to attend. Click on link below.
Tendremos Academia de Aprendizaje Extendido para este sábado 20 de mayo, de 7:30-4:30pm. Gran oportunidad para aclarar ausencias. Este sabado tendremos hot dogs, y estará el trailer de juegos(gaming trailer) y los drones. DEBE registrarse para asistir. Aqui el enlace:

PULSE Parent workshop for 7-8 grade at Meadows starting 5/11/23. Register here: https://forms.gle/hoy3ofrADJXP8sERA
Taller de padres PULSE empezando el 11 de mayo para los del 7-8 grado. Registrarse aqui:

Tendremos Academia de Aprendizaje Extendido para este sábado 29 de abril, de 7:30-4:30pm. Gran oportunidad para aclarar ausencias. Este sabado estara el trailer de juegos(gaming trailer) y los drones. DEBE registrarse para asistir. Aqui el enlace: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScOyVz2fLpNdkf1jjcuof4QxG5Ls0CIsn9Y0VzjjPATviplbA/viewform

We have Extended Learning Academy this Saturday, April 29th from 7:30-4:30pm. Great opportunity to clear absences. This Saturday we will have a gaming trailer and drones for the afternoon. MUST register to attend. Click on link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScOyVz2fLpNdkf1jjcuof4QxG5Ls0CIsn9Y0VzjjPATviplbA/viewform

All school programs are cancelled due to NO POWER NO BUS. PLEASE PICK UP STUDENTS Immediately.

The yearbook presale ends tomorrow, Tuesday 2/28. If you would like to purchase a yearbook at a discounted price, please submit/send payment to the library 7:30am-2:30pm.
Presale: $20 per yearbook
After 2/28/23: $25 per yearbook

Don't forget to join us this morning at 10:00 in the Meadows Gym for our annual Christmas Program!